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Law no 31/1990

On companies

Lege nr. 31/1990
din 16/11/1990
Versiune actualizata la data de 23/06/2010
privind societaile comerciale@
@Text actualizat la data de 23.06.2010, avându-se în vedere republicarea din Monitorul Oficial, Partea I, nr. 1066 din 17 noiembrie 2004. Actul
include modificarile din urmatoarele acte:
- Legea nr. 302/2005
- Legea nr. 85/2006
- Legea nr. 164/2006
- Legea nr. 441/2006
- Legea nr. 516/2006
- O.U.G. nr. 82/2007
- O.U.G. nr. 52/2008 publicata în MOF nr. 333 din 30/04/2008
- Legea nr. 284/2008 publicata în MOF nr. 778 din 20/11/2008
- Legea nr. 88/2009 publicata în MOF nr. 246 din 14/04/2009
- O.U.G. nr. 43/2010 publicata în MOF nr. 316 din 13/05/2010
- O.U.G. nr. 54/2010 publicata în MOF nr. 421 din 23/06/2010.

Document atasat: 


TOP EXPERT S.P.R.L. is a professional company of insolvency, member of the National Union of Insolvency Practitioners of Romania, registered in the Forms of the Organization Register II under no. 170/2006 and one of the first profile companies in the country with a large and extensive experience in corporate insolvency.

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S.C. TOP EXPERT S.R.L. Braşov, established in 2002, provides audit services, tax and financial consulting and accounting expertise. It is represented by Mr. Brescan Marian, Administrator.
S.C. TOP EXPERT S.R.L., is a member of the Chamber of Financial Auditors of Romania certified by the Authorization no 794/17.12.2007.

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S.C. SERDRA S.R.L. Braşov, established in 1992, provides accounting expertise and tax and financial consultancy. It is represented by Mr. Brescan Marian, Administrator.
S.C. SERDRA S.R.L. Braşov is a member of the Body of Expert and Licensed Accountants of Romania.

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